Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Barry County lawmen group

well, Melissa Wymer has now dragged another group into her fight.
there was a hearing concerning her troubles on Monday where she was ordered to follow the current court order concerning her children and her supervised visitation. She was demanding her supervision be ended and that her now released husband be granted free access to her children. She lost on both accounts thanks to Judge fisher. Another motion acted on was a demand that she pay for all of her ex husbands past legal fees due to her harrassment. this was not granted even though it fit the Michigan statute and was so stated in a past judgement by Judge fisher himself. I do not understand that but it is of little importance as she is so far behind in her child support that she will be paying until she no longer living.
What is of more importance is that a man with the last name of Morris was sitting with her at the defendants table (She had been dropped as a client by her 7th or 8th attorney shortly before the hearing). Judge fisher questioned him and Morris stated that he was part of some "Barry County Lawmans " Group. He was giving illegal legal advice to Ms. Wymer and it showed, lol. the motion she filed was not correctly filled out and was poorly done to boot. I almost bet the farm that judge Fisher was going to show this guy the door but the judge did let him stay. He just ordered the guy to stop giving advice to Ms. Wymer.
Yesterday the reminder came out and low and behold, there was an add in it stating the "Barry County Lawmens" Group was not going to meet at the Maple Leaf Grange hall this month due to labor day. The add also stated that the group was mainly "interested in corruption" within the legal community here in the county and it also gave the Morris' guys name as leading this group.
I think it obvious now that this group is one of misled individuals. they are either led by a weak minded guy (come on face it mister, you are being used by a narcotics trafficker)or this guy is so desperate that he fantisizes that he can save Ms. wymer. I don't think he relizes that he would have to save her from herself. And he doesn't have the control over her that timmy boy does. this Morris guy is just another on a very long list of people that the Wymer's have used.
wake up Buddy before she destroys whatever credibility you might presently have (which might have already happened as per what I saw in court monday).

The Wymer saga continues

Timothy Wymer was released early last week, serving only 6 months of his already short 9 month sentance. As soon as he was released he was right back to his illegal ways. His wife Melissa, currently has a court order against her forbidding contact between Him and her children for obvious reasons. Both she and her mother are charged with following this prder but they both arranged to have the children meet with him when he was released.
What is his attraction to children? These children are not old enough to purchase his drugs. Is he cultivating a new market? Or is his desire to see these children of an even more sick nature?
And what is the nature of his control over his wife and mother inlaw? Why are these people powerless to avoid his influence? why are these people so weak in the head so as not to see him for what he is?

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wild game dinner - Republican fundraiser

If any of you are interested, a Wild Game Dinner is being hosted on
September 12th at the Lansing Area Sportsmen's League. All the proceeds go
to the Michigan House Republican Caucus to help finance this year's

This is an excellent chance to meet Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land and
Sheriff Mike Buchard who is running to unseat Senator Stabenow. If this
interests you, please bring your best dish to pass and I'll see you there at
6PM. We're going to have a good time.

Speaker of the House Craig DeRoche
and the
Michigan House Republican Caucus
Invite you to attend a
Co-Hosted by
National Rifle Association
MI Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners
With Special Guests
Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land
Sheriff Mike Bouchard
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
5:30 p.m. VIP Reception \ 6:00 p.m. Dinner
Taking place at the
Capitol Area Sportsmen’s League
7535 Old River Trail • Lansing, MI 48917
$85 VIP Reception & Dinner \ $50 Dinner Only
$1000 Sponsorship
Other sponsorship opportunities available, please call for more information
For more information or to RSVP please call (517) 371-1830 or e-mail Audrey_perricone@hotmail.com
[Bring your best wild game dish to pass]
Paid for by the House Republican Campaign Committee, P.O. Box 15035, Lansing, MI 48901 with regulated funds.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Second Letter to the Editor - the one that hit paydirt

here is the second letter to the editor, the one that raised so much fuss. the primary intent of this letter was to make all aware of just how lenient our current prosecutor was towards drug crimes. Probably more interesting was the secondary (and unintentional) effect and that was to keep the Wymer name in the news another week or so. Thanks to all the writers responding the following week, lol. by writing the way they did, it helped keep this case in the news and now most won't soon forget the party involved. - CD

Dear editor,

Several weeks ago I wrote concerning the Timothy and Melissa Wymer drug case in which our sheriff department made the years largest drug bust, seizing 32 pounds of illegal drugs, pills, many weapons, and discovered a major drug manufacturing and distributing facility. I was dismayed at our prosecutor, Ms. Nakfoor-Pratt, for allowing this pair of drug traffickers to plead their situation down to nothing and get some much reduced sentences. Timothy received less than he had for a previous identical conviction and Melissa was allowed to walk with probation and have her record “wiped clean” afterwards. This was even though she had her record “wiped clean” once before. At that time I made the statement that doing so would encourage them to continue their poisoning of this county.
Well, I hit the nail on the head. While waiting for the final sentencing in February, these two were raided again in January by our sheriff department and were found to be once again in possession of illegal drugs. Ms. Nakfoor-Pratt refused to prosecute them on this new incident claiming “it was too soon after the first”. Ms. Pratt even refused to take into account this latest crime to influence sentencing of their first one and returned to them most of their possessions purchased with drug proceeds that the sheriff department had seized.
No sooner than Melissa Wymer was sentence for her drug crimes, she retained yet another attorney and was back in court on another matter related to her drug use. This would be at least the 7th attorney employed by the Wymer’s in the last 10 years. I would like to know just how much the court in this county is going to tolerate from this couple before calling a halt to their behavior. The amount of money expended because of their actions is staggering and must come from somewhere, most likely some social program necessary because of related criminal activity. And where do you think the Wymer’s are getting the thousands of dollars required to maintain their legal activities? They certainly are not earning it at legitimate jobs. As far as I have been able to determine, he has not worked for several years and she only works part time grooming dogs.

I have been watching a local internet discussion on this case and the upcoming prosecutor’s election and have some serious concerns as to the ability of Ms. Pratt to carry out the duties of the prosecutor’s office in such a manner to ensure our safety in this county.

In a humorous vein, I wonder when Ms. Pratt began this policy of “catch and release”. She might have informed the sheriff department prior to beginning this policy so that they could better utilize their talents. This policy should be consistent throughout so that I could speed. I would then be stopped of course but then receive no ticket. To add to this one might receive a sign to display on our vehicles to inform the police that we have been pulled over once already and that it was “too soon” after that so to ignore our crime. It would kind of like a “get out of jail free” card that would be good for 90 days for like crimes. And any progressive convictions under Ms. Pratt’s leadership would be sentenced lighter each time.

To be serious though, Ms. Pratt’s actions have established her intent as far as drug crimes in our county. She seems to not view them in a negative fashion and with as much money as the Wymer’s were making from it, Ms. Pratt may be promoting it as a way to earn a living.
How can we as a county accept the next child dying from drugs be it ingested, injected, or the result of being run down by a high driver – remember, the Wymer’s had evidence of drug usage in their vehicles. Our current prosecutor is by her actions putting a stamp of approval on drug crimes.

Another point I would like to make is what Ms. Pratt’s actions have done concerning this couple’s children. The second raid was the result of several of the children frequenting the Wymer household coming forward and reporting that drug activity was still going on in the home. The police investigated and found they were correct. The Wymer’s were arrested again. Ms. Pratt declined to prosecute. The end result of this is that several of these children where threatened by their respective parent and are now afraid. Do you think that any of these children will ever again report any illegal activity anywhere? What advice do you imagine these children will give their friends if asked? These children knew what was right and what was wrong better than our current prosecutor. They came forward and put themselves at risk for nothing. Is the county going to pay the therapy needed to help these children?

I attended the debate between the candidates for the office of county prosecutor and went away somewhat disappointed. The Wymer drug case was addressed briefly and Ms. Pratt seemed to push off responsibility somewhat to a subordinate and then totally avoided addressing the second raid on the Wymer’s. Mr. Evans was not privy to exact details of the file and could not accurately comment either but did comment on the lax charges and eventual sentencing.
We were not allowed to ask questions ourselves or I would have stood on my chair and demanded to know why such massive drug crimes are allowed to go relatively unpunished. Ms. Pratt has made numerous comments as to her passion to improve the lives of our youth in this county only to set the future stage to possibly kill some of them and greatly reduce the quality of life for others. She seems to possess a need to inform us of her “17 years of experience” that she brings to the office but it is more her true actions while in office that I am concerned with. I am shocked that her “17 years of experience” did not prohibit her from being so forgiving towards the Wymer’s for their drug crimes. I don’t have 17 years but I can see that this couple will go on to poison our county even more if left unchecked. I don’t understand her boasting of her “17 years” of experience yet attempts to excuse her actions in the Wymer drug case because she was “new to the office”. Too many inconsistencies councilor. Too many inconsistencies.

Julie Nakfor-Pratt had "a choice" in her prosecution of this couple to not let them walk for the damage they have done. I would have been more proud of her had she fought these two in court and lost than the soft actions that she did take. Do you think that had Ms. Pratt taken these two in front of a jury that Timothy would only have received 9 months and Melissa walked? Make it a jury of law abiding, drug free, parents that actually care for their children and these two would be gone for a very long time. Now they will be back and some child in the future may just die for it. Yes I know that is pretty harsh but this is very serious and to take any other position gives me pause to wonder just what true motivations the opposing positions have.

First letter to the editor - Reprint

Here is the first letter to the editor concerning the wymer Drug case. I think it should be remembered as long as possible so that we don't have this same thing happen again.

Dear editor,

Last Halloween our sheriff department made the years largest drug bust, netting 32 pounds of marijuana, illegal weapons, illegal pills, and the discovery of a growing and processing operation. Our sheriff department had been hard at work on this case since sometime in 2002. Many man hours were expended in gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and finally executing the search warrant that yielded the evidence to confirm their suspicions. These sheriff deputies worked at this for little reward while most of us rested comfortably in our own homes under the impression that we were in a safe county.
The couple that were eventually arrested and charged both have criminal records, him with manufacture and delivery, assault and battery, and other offences, her with only a slightly lesser list of offences. He has actually spent time in Jackson as well as our local lockup for his crimes.
The deputies found drugs in their basement, their bedroom, their living room, their trash, and even in the ash trays of their vehicles. This means that not only them, but the children this couple both have from past failed marriages were not only exposed to this but were swimming in it.
32 pounds total. With a street value of $45,000 and only god knows how much they sold before getting caught.
The police requested that felony firearm, possession with intent to deliver, deliver/manufacture marijuana, possession of an analog, possession of marijuana, maintaining a drug house, and related conspiracies charges be brought against this couple with the additional charge of habitual offender notice against him as he had been convicted of this very same thing in the past.
Well our local prosecutor’s office cut a deal with these two. They were both allowed to plead guilty to much lesser offenses netting him a sentence of a maximum of 9 months in our local lockup and her with only probation. And they received back almost everything the sheriff’s department had seized due to being purchased with drug proceeds. Good lord, she received more time for stealing lottery tickets a few years ago.
32 pounds of poison.
I was absolutely shocked. I had to ask twice when I heard this. I actually expected to hear that the prosecutor handling this case gave them both a hug and a peck on the cheek when they left the court house. If these facts are true, and I have no reason to believe they are not, than our prosecutors office is still without quality leadership. This office just told us that 32 pounds of illegal narcotics is Ok to manufacture and distribute throughout our county. This office just told us that the hundreds of thousands of dollars we spend each year to rid ourselves of this plague is for nothing. This office just told us that crime does in fact pay, and pay well. This office just told us that the states lottery proceeds are more valuable than the lives of the people in our county.
People arrested for this will just be released to begin again only this time they will be much smarter in avoiding arrest. We might as well hand our tax money to our sheriff department but then tell them to go fishing as any effort they expend to rid us of this poison will be for nothing. Our prosecutor’s office just sentenced another large group of our youth to the destruction of lives and property that this poison brings.
This county has to do something about this. It appears our prosecutors office is not only incapable but unwilling to face this squarely and do what needs to be done. The least that should be done is to ask the prosecutor that handled this case to find work in another county. Maybe our sheriff’s department should hire an outside legal firm to prosecute cases in this county and let our present prosecutor handle traffic tickets. Just imagine the deal I could get the next time I get ticketed for 65 in a 55. I could retire!
You should just sign me “Shocked at what 32 Pounds of poison will bring”.

Friday, August 18, 2006

New information concerning the Wymer drug case

I have discovered some new information on the Wymer drug case. first of all, the charges and sentance concerning Melissa Wymer has now been completed and dropped. Her record has been wiped clean for a second time in her life. If we all get the same grace in our lives I still have 2 chances to get away with something illegal and my record wil be "wiped clean". She has been dropped by her (I think it is her 9th) attorney and is proceding in court "pro bono" meaning on her own without council. By the appearance of her answers to court motions it does not look like she is going to get anywhere unless Judge Fisher is very forgiving.I will keep this website posted on her court activities as best I can.
As far as Timothy Wymer's sentance, I recieved an unconfirmed piece of info saying that he will not even serve his entire 9 month sentance and will get out in 6 instead. Even if he gets out in 8 it will be a travesty of justice. Heck, the 9 month sentance was a joke of the most awful kind. I was informed that his main market for his drugs were our local highschool students. I was also informed that he is mopping the floors of Ms. Nakfor-Pratts office complex. Good lord I hope that piece of info is false but it would make sense albeit warped, lol.
I also heard that Mr. wymer is very upset as he imagines that a few of his items were not returned to him. In particular is some sort of ball joint press. My answer to him is "Timothy, just sell some more of your drugs and buy another! thats how you got that one!" At least this will give our sherriff department another crack at putting you away for good.
I think it might be an excellent idea to publish both of my letters to the editor in this website so all will remember the facts of this case. Look for it soon.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Post Election

Seems the voters saw through all the hype and disinformation tossed out by the Pratt camp. Tom Evans is now our new prosecutor. I find it interesting that the Banner kept information about the prosecutor's race to a minimum.

It would have been interesting for the paper to have published how each precint voted. I know Pratt took Hastings and lost thornapple but knowing the rest sure would help for the next time. I guess I will have a little more research in my immediate future, lol.

I guess the hate spewed by Gloria Anderson didn't help the Pratt camp either. Thanks Gloria. You never will know just how much you helped, lol.

Another interesting thing I discovered is that Mr. Wymer is only going to serve 6 months of his already short 9 month sentance. His wife, Melissa Wymer has already had her sentance ended and her record wiped clean AGAIN! It sure did pay for this couple to be selling dope to our youth in this county. They made an excellent living off the procedes and served little or no time for the crime. Tom Evans, watch these two as they WILL go back to selling poisen to our children.

Now lets keep an eye on Evans. lets make sure he stays the course and refuses to bow to the liberal/criminal element.