Sunday, April 08, 2007

Mish Mash

Whew! It appears I kicked a bees nest in another blog. Seems others are not so tolerant of differing opinions and have abundant amounts of anger just waiting to spill out. Add to this that like individuals with anger issues seem to group together. So be it I guess.

Pennock Hospital is still at it. Thier Environmental Services supervisor, Mike Strimback, demoted a competent person from his old position of lead maintenance man and placed in his spot his hunting buddy instead. This buddy has a well known reputation of doing nothing and arguing that for hours. I bet it won't be long before they are back to forging maintenance documents just like they were under Mike's time in that position. watch out for JACHO Mike. They will not be so forgiving as the board of Pennock.

And Pennock was awarded something for being in the "top one hundred small hospitals" but won't release the criteria or any names of other hospitals concidered for the award. I am betting that not more than a hundred or so hospitals filled the slot thereby ensuring Pennock an award. Yes the facility is good, most of the medical personel are great, but management there is a major reason Pennock will never be a "Metro" or a "Spectrum". Why is it the hospital had to hire a "PR" man? Can not their reputation stand on it's own?

The Wymer's are back at it. Seems Ms. Wymer has a warrant for her arrest again. I just happen to have stumbled on to it. I am not sure what it is for at this point but I do know it exists. Seems our court system is going to spend some more time dealing with this bunch.

Wal Mart is making a push to build a super Wal Mart behind Family tree Medical. Many are lining up against it and many are lining up for it. I am not sure there is much anyone can do to stop it if the waltons want to build it. The best that can be hoped for is that Walmart will pay for all of the raod improvements and other extra costs resulting from thier building in our county. I can't believe they don't get enough business from us from thier surrounding stores though. I bet thier other strores will lose business to this one if it is built. I can't see how that will improve thier "bottom line".

Have a great week!


Blogger Jay said...

CD: We all know you have the bee keepers' suit at the ready. ;)

Pol is getting so out of whack on his site, that I don't even try to correct him /chime in with my opinions any more. Carlton's site seems to have the old energy of Pol's, but the bleeding hearts still rule the roost over there too.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Pol is so far out it is entertainment at this point. I really thought something might be gained by interacting with others in his blog but now I see his management of his sight is mainly to promote his personal views (promote drugs and prostitution). His excessive anger and the anger of those his blog site attracts only twists thier ideas even further out in left field than they were to begin with.

The Wymer warrant is for non payment of child support. Seems she skipped an enforcement hearing (she has been in the enforcement system for over 10 years now) so it was issued. She has not been arrested yet so they are not acting on it yet.

I really upset Agno I guess. Must be he skipped his "happy pills" that day, lol.

What is Carltons URL"

5:57 AM  

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