Monday, October 02, 2006

A Random Sampling

Seems Harry has decided to plead guilty to stealing at least 100 bottles of meds. I am trully saddened by this as I do believe he has much to offer this county. lets see just how good our court system is. It is up to them just what direction Harry's life goes now. Harry, I am in your corner, work hard. We will be here when you get through this.

I attended the swearing in cerimony for Tom Evans this past week. Judge Holman was his charming self. It will be a sad day when he retires. Tom, no, we all enjoyed the swearing in. Several attorneys attended. I find it puzzling that at least a couple of those attending would not publicly support his run for office but did attend his swearing in. Shmoozing maybe? whatever reason, I just found it amusing. Myself, I have a difficult time respecting people like this. I equate them with used car salesmen. come on folks, take a position and run with it. Why do you just follow the winner? How can we ever improve things if we just have a bunch of followers/yes men/butt kissers?

Tom, Work hard. Listen to the people in this county. We will support you if you do.

I worked treating inmates in the Battle Creek lock up today. They have a much larger system than we do in this county but I still wonder just what we do for medical situations in our lock up. The size of our jail is about a tenth the size of Battle creeks but we still need medical support for these men and women. I will have to ask dar what we do have in place to treat inmates.

Budget cutting has adversly affected the school system in Nashville. I am hearing and witnessing moral drops in the band program among students a staff. they have been dealt several crushing blows this past year with the burning of their uniforms and the removal of their assistant band director. He was loved by the students and added instructor time to the students that Mr. Vanderhoff just doesn't have. Lets keep an eye on this valuble program. Letting it fail because we needed a new bus garage or some other fancy addition to the system would be criminal to say the least.

and finally, I have a summer home in Lake county and have had the pleasure of interacting with the local constbulary there. To anyone complaining about our police department - go elsewhere! One month in another county will have you crawling back here begging forgiveness, lol. I have nothing but pride in our force, espeacilly our sheriff department. To Dar and all of our deputies, you are doing a great job. it shows. Thank You.


Blogger Jay said...

Heard that Judge Fisher had a hard time calling up Evans for the appointment. Doherty had to be the "mediator". Fisher has now struck out twice, will the thrid strike be his own candidacy?

I was somewhat surprised JNP didn't show up on Friday. It would have shown her true character if she had been there.

Of the attorneys there, I was only counted two who were in the JNP camp. Tripp wasn't supporting anyone...

I was more surprised with the smoozing by the local cops more than the attorneys. All in all, it was a bigger crowd than JNP's swearing.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Fisher going by the way side? How long has it been in this county since that happened?

He is better than Judge Shaw was. I don't believe Judge Shaw ever actually listened to the case before him as he would ALWAYS just split his ruling down the middle of the claims. This would encourage lawyers to make outlandish claims in order to get what they wanted wether or not it was actually right. My children had to endure much misery and hurt because of his inaction. Judge Fisher will at least listen and interact with the participants before him.

While I don't always agree with his rulings, he is at least doing something. I have been before him on several occassions concerning custody demands posed by my ex wife and have found that when the evidense is 110% convincing, he will rule accordingly. He has on at least one occasion that I know of renegged on his own ruling. I was sued for custody by my ex for the 7trh or 8th time last year and she failed to provide income tax documents when she was subpeonaed. Judge Fisher ruled her motion be dismissed and I could file a motion to collect my expenses defending the dismnissed motion. I did ($24,000) yet he dismisssed the motion. It is a Damn good thing I have enough to defend against harrassment such as this as otherwise my girls would have been forced to live in a known drug house. I wonder just how many men in this county have been bankrupted by this type of thing because the courts allowed (and even encouraged) it?

Thanks for letting me vent, lol.

JNP is not taking the high road here that is for sure. I will remember this and hope others will too as she will at some point return here or run in that county you can bank on it. I believe this shows that she was not ready for our prosecutors position. While I don't believe she is a bad person, I do believe she is not mature enough for such an influential job in this county. I do think there is a chance she could become a great attoreny and return to add greatly to our county - BUT - and this is a big butt (opps, spelling, lol) she needs to stand on her own and learn to handle the tough things in life. Not showing up for this swearing in shows she can't yet do this.

I have a soft spot for Tripp. I have known Dave for many years and have found him to be warm and understanding. I also hold him in great respect as he demonstrated that he is just like a lot of us by punching that guy a few years ago at Gun Lake.

5:09 AM  

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