Saturday, September 16, 2006

Justice in Barry County

As was written in this discussion site, Julie N-Pratt has announced her employement in Allegan County back to her old job of being an assistant prosecutor. As was suggested, the prosecutor reponsible for the lame deal given to the Wymer's is now going to prosecute cases in another county. I hope she finds enjoyment in her new work.

Now I don't feel any ill will for Ms. Pratt. I have discussed the Wymer case with her as well as a few other subjects and have found her to be a warm, caring, and very able legal mind. The only reason I stood against her was my belief that she lacked an essential ingredient needed to safely perform the duties of her office. I am hoping she developes the nessessary strength of charactor and will needed to stand firm against those cases coming before her that threaten my county's safety and the future of my children.

Ms. Pratt, work hard, listen to those you represent, learn not to be intimidated by the evil within those that bring grief to our county and I will work to bring you back to the prosecuting position you have now left. I know you care and can feel the warmth of your personality. Keep this quality within as it will be valuable to you in the future but learn to temper it with the strength of what is right and wrong. Never fail to give those deserving of it a second chance but for god's sake don't give an inch to those that have blatently threatened the future of our children or the safety of our county. Work hard. Build your inner strength. We will be here for you. I am looking forward to your return.


Blogger Jay said...

I think Julie is a hypocrite. She lambasted Evans for doing what she is doing now. I don't see a need for her now in Allegan since their caseload is going down. I also think she should serve out her term.

You have to ask Allegan's Prosecutor: why rehire someone who might be after your job in two years?

7:45 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Some darn good points, I must say. It will be important to remember just what she says right now and what she does. It is a pretty sure bet the Allegan prosecutor hired her back under duress. One can be sure he thought of the very same thing as you as far as her upsetting his time in office and his actual caselod going down, lol.

It would have been the right thing to do as far as her finishing her term but why should she start now in doing the "right thing"? If she thinks the right thing is to let drug pushers walk, what makes anyone imagine she would think the right thing to do would be to finish out her term?

What do you realistically think she should do now? Buy a pharmacy like the last prosecutor we tossed? it's either she goes back to work in another county where they can pay her wages or we will all pay her when she goes on welfare. thats in fun of course but I do believe she can learn from her mistakes and possibly return to this county to at least compensate for her mistakes while in office here.

Lets take the high road here and give her a chance to repair the damge she has done. I think she can do it unless her ego gets in the way. She is smart, just not mature enough at this time to do the job.

7:26 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I was thinking she could start a goat and llama farm ;).

3:18 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Good Luck to Tom in his new/old/new job. He may be the new kingmaker in the Barry County JOP, second only to Dar Leaf.
Oh, and JNP's rehire was due to pressure from the Allegan Prosecutor's chief assistant (female) who is the frontrunner in the District Court race over there--a race the elected Prosecutor lost. Who wears the pants in that office?

10:49 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

That's GOP, not JOP

10:49 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Jay, you can always make me laugh my ass off. the good thing is that I some to lose, lol.

I realize JNP is probably feeling a little lost and helpless right now, heck, we all have been in her position. But the best thing she could do right now would be to get a job on her own with no outside help. She never will develope the neccessary spine to deal effectively with criminals if she is always helped into a position.
I know she is very pretty, but how does everyone think she is ever going to grow up if someone is always so willing baby her?

8:06 AM  

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