Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Barry County lawmen group

well, Melissa Wymer has now dragged another group into her fight.
there was a hearing concerning her troubles on Monday where she was ordered to follow the current court order concerning her children and her supervised visitation. She was demanding her supervision be ended and that her now released husband be granted free access to her children. She lost on both accounts thanks to Judge fisher. Another motion acted on was a demand that she pay for all of her ex husbands past legal fees due to her harrassment. this was not granted even though it fit the Michigan statute and was so stated in a past judgement by Judge fisher himself. I do not understand that but it is of little importance as she is so far behind in her child support that she will be paying until she no longer living.
What is of more importance is that a man with the last name of Morris was sitting with her at the defendants table (She had been dropped as a client by her 7th or 8th attorney shortly before the hearing). Judge fisher questioned him and Morris stated that he was part of some "Barry County Lawmans " Group. He was giving illegal legal advice to Ms. Wymer and it showed, lol. the motion she filed was not correctly filled out and was poorly done to boot. I almost bet the farm that judge Fisher was going to show this guy the door but the judge did let him stay. He just ordered the guy to stop giving advice to Ms. Wymer.
Yesterday the reminder came out and low and behold, there was an add in it stating the "Barry County Lawmens" Group was not going to meet at the Maple Leaf Grange hall this month due to labor day. The add also stated that the group was mainly "interested in corruption" within the legal community here in the county and it also gave the Morris' guys name as leading this group.
I think it obvious now that this group is one of misled individuals. they are either led by a weak minded guy (come on face it mister, you are being used by a narcotics trafficker)or this guy is so desperate that he fantisizes that he can save Ms. wymer. I don't think he relizes that he would have to save her from herself. And he doesn't have the control over her that timmy boy does. this Morris guy is just another on a very long list of people that the Wymer's have used.
wake up Buddy before she destroys whatever credibility you might presently have (which might have already happened as per what I saw in court monday).


Blogger Jay said...

This "lawmens" group...is it like the Michigan Militia? First I've heard of it.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

I spoke to an attorny from Kalamazoo about them and the response I got was that they are a group of disgruntled individuals that feel the legal system has done them wrong. they think they can assist others in their court battles but primarily look for wrong doing by the legal system. Judge fisher sure did not take to Mr. Morris well and Mr. Morris did not help Ms. wymer as her court motions were very poorly done.

from what I saw in court, Mr. Morris pretty much killed any chance Ms. Wymer might have had in her demands just because both her and this group have such little respect for the system.

Watch the reminder for thier add. it might explain their positon better than I just did. I am betting the group consists of few if any members other than mr. Morris.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Boggsone said...

Believe they meet at the Maplegrove Lodge or whatever its called, on M-66.

If they are intervening in Court proceedings for convicted persons, those on probation, etc., you might make a formal complaint at their Department. Most Policies and Procedures forbid personal contact with the "underworld" lol....... Only a few of them, maybe a few former or retired ones too!

9:12 AM  

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