Friday, August 18, 2006

New information concerning the Wymer drug case

I have discovered some new information on the Wymer drug case. first of all, the charges and sentance concerning Melissa Wymer has now been completed and dropped. Her record has been wiped clean for a second time in her life. If we all get the same grace in our lives I still have 2 chances to get away with something illegal and my record wil be "wiped clean". She has been dropped by her (I think it is her 9th) attorney and is proceding in court "pro bono" meaning on her own without council. By the appearance of her answers to court motions it does not look like she is going to get anywhere unless Judge Fisher is very forgiving.I will keep this website posted on her court activities as best I can.
As far as Timothy Wymer's sentance, I recieved an unconfirmed piece of info saying that he will not even serve his entire 9 month sentance and will get out in 6 instead. Even if he gets out in 8 it will be a travesty of justice. Heck, the 9 month sentance was a joke of the most awful kind. I was informed that his main market for his drugs were our local highschool students. I was also informed that he is mopping the floors of Ms. Nakfor-Pratts office complex. Good lord I hope that piece of info is false but it would make sense albeit warped, lol.
I also heard that Mr. wymer is very upset as he imagines that a few of his items were not returned to him. In particular is some sort of ball joint press. My answer to him is "Timothy, just sell some more of your drugs and buy another! thats how you got that one!" At least this will give our sherriff department another crack at putting you away for good.
I think it might be an excellent idea to publish both of my letters to the editor in this website so all will remember the facts of this case. Look for it soon.


Blogger Children's Dad said...

Oops! I have the "pro bono" thing wrong. It is not pro bono but some other obscure latin term. I will look it up sometime and repost it, lol. Either way, she is not stopping her harrassment and is now doing it on her own as another attorney has walked away from her angry behavior.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

in pro per

10:29 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

what was the name of the 9th attorney?

10:30 AM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

You are so right. In Pro Per.
her last attorney was a David Stupak from Battle Creek. I do believe the Hastings Bar is finally done with the Wymers unless court appointed.
The list goes approximately like this, bill daugherty (now judge), Bill again, Bruce Lincoln, Doster, Gordan Shane-McNeil, David Kusava (2x), McDowell, Lincoln again, and Stupak. I have left at least one off from there as I can't remember them. several of these lawyers have dumped the Wymer's for various reasons. mcDowell dumped Melissa because Melissa was "beligerent, offensive, and agressive" towards her. Stupak just dumped Melissa for unstated reasons, McNeil dumped her for unstated reasons, Kusava the same.
Melissa is currently facing a court hearing in about 2 weeks and promised more court action on her part at a hearing a couple of weeks ago. Obviously, this county is going to be footing the bill for their crazy behavior for many years yet.

7:00 PM  

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