Saturday, August 12, 2006

Post Election

Seems the voters saw through all the hype and disinformation tossed out by the Pratt camp. Tom Evans is now our new prosecutor. I find it interesting that the Banner kept information about the prosecutor's race to a minimum.

It would have been interesting for the paper to have published how each precint voted. I know Pratt took Hastings and lost thornapple but knowing the rest sure would help for the next time. I guess I will have a little more research in my immediate future, lol.

I guess the hate spewed by Gloria Anderson didn't help the Pratt camp either. Thanks Gloria. You never will know just how much you helped, lol.

Another interesting thing I discovered is that Mr. Wymer is only going to serve 6 months of his already short 9 month sentance. His wife, Melissa Wymer has already had her sentance ended and her record wiped clean AGAIN! It sure did pay for this couple to be selling dope to our youth in this county. They made an excellent living off the procedes and served little or no time for the crime. Tom Evans, watch these two as they WILL go back to selling poisen to our children.

Now lets keep an eye on Evans. lets make sure he stays the course and refuses to bow to the liberal/criminal element.


Blogger Children's Dad said...

I want to make an adjustment here. My post makes it appear that I think Liberals are criminals. This is NOT how I feel or believe. My experience has been that liberals push for lighter sentences for drug crimes and that is my beef. I think drug crimes are hideous to say the least and would like tough sentencing for criminals convicted of them. Then make sure they serve THE ENTIRE SENTENCE! There should be NO soft approach to these idiots.

6:01 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

So far, not a big staff change will occur in Evans' office. I know of one female asst. prosecutor who says she'll leave. I do feel that they'll be a change in attitude, which I think will be helpful in cases like yours.

I too was troubled with the Banner coverage. No attention to the big races of State Rep and Prosecutor (which was a surprise). Instead, all commisssioners all the time.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

My guess is the woman claiming she will leave is probably the one which wrote to the Banner a rebuttel letter to mine in which her big claim was for me to "speak to julie" concerning the case. The Banner editor refused to allow me to answer her but I did call julie and did discuss the case but as one can imagine, there was no advantage in doing so. What was done was done and no amount of discussing it was going to change anything. Julie had a chance to change it and failed to do so. I picked up the ball at that point. I can't understand what more this woman thought might be gained for Julie by my continued talking to her about it. maybe by talking they speculated they could stall me until after the election? Who knows. And for the anger demonstrated by Gloria Anderson.... She will never understand just how much she did for getting tom elected, lol. And she made sure that her friend Melissa Wymer's name would now stay in the memories of all honest citizens in the county as being a drug trafficker. her anger sure backfired, lol.

7:38 PM  

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