Sunday, August 20, 2006

First letter to the editor - Reprint

Here is the first letter to the editor concerning the wymer Drug case. I think it should be remembered as long as possible so that we don't have this same thing happen again.

Dear editor,

Last Halloween our sheriff department made the years largest drug bust, netting 32 pounds of marijuana, illegal weapons, illegal pills, and the discovery of a growing and processing operation. Our sheriff department had been hard at work on this case since sometime in 2002. Many man hours were expended in gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and finally executing the search warrant that yielded the evidence to confirm their suspicions. These sheriff deputies worked at this for little reward while most of us rested comfortably in our own homes under the impression that we were in a safe county.
The couple that were eventually arrested and charged both have criminal records, him with manufacture and delivery, assault and battery, and other offences, her with only a slightly lesser list of offences. He has actually spent time in Jackson as well as our local lockup for his crimes.
The deputies found drugs in their basement, their bedroom, their living room, their trash, and even in the ash trays of their vehicles. This means that not only them, but the children this couple both have from past failed marriages were not only exposed to this but were swimming in it.
32 pounds total. With a street value of $45,000 and only god knows how much they sold before getting caught.
The police requested that felony firearm, possession with intent to deliver, deliver/manufacture marijuana, possession of an analog, possession of marijuana, maintaining a drug house, and related conspiracies charges be brought against this couple with the additional charge of habitual offender notice against him as he had been convicted of this very same thing in the past.
Well our local prosecutor’s office cut a deal with these two. They were both allowed to plead guilty to much lesser offenses netting him a sentence of a maximum of 9 months in our local lockup and her with only probation. And they received back almost everything the sheriff’s department had seized due to being purchased with drug proceeds. Good lord, she received more time for stealing lottery tickets a few years ago.
32 pounds of poison.
I was absolutely shocked. I had to ask twice when I heard this. I actually expected to hear that the prosecutor handling this case gave them both a hug and a peck on the cheek when they left the court house. If these facts are true, and I have no reason to believe they are not, than our prosecutors office is still without quality leadership. This office just told us that 32 pounds of illegal narcotics is Ok to manufacture and distribute throughout our county. This office just told us that the hundreds of thousands of dollars we spend each year to rid ourselves of this plague is for nothing. This office just told us that crime does in fact pay, and pay well. This office just told us that the states lottery proceeds are more valuable than the lives of the people in our county.
People arrested for this will just be released to begin again only this time they will be much smarter in avoiding arrest. We might as well hand our tax money to our sheriff department but then tell them to go fishing as any effort they expend to rid us of this poison will be for nothing. Our prosecutor’s office just sentenced another large group of our youth to the destruction of lives and property that this poison brings.
This county has to do something about this. It appears our prosecutors office is not only incapable but unwilling to face this squarely and do what needs to be done. The least that should be done is to ask the prosecutor that handled this case to find work in another county. Maybe our sheriff’s department should hire an outside legal firm to prosecute cases in this county and let our present prosecutor handle traffic tickets. Just imagine the deal I could get the next time I get ticketed for 65 in a 55. I could retire!
You should just sign me “Shocked at what 32 Pounds of poison will bring”.


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