Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Wymer saga continues

Timothy Wymer was released early last week, serving only 6 months of his already short 9 month sentance. As soon as he was released he was right back to his illegal ways. His wife Melissa, currently has a court order against her forbidding contact between Him and her children for obvious reasons. Both she and her mother are charged with following this prder but they both arranged to have the children meet with him when he was released.
What is his attraction to children? These children are not old enough to purchase his drugs. Is he cultivating a new market? Or is his desire to see these children of an even more sick nature?
And what is the nature of his control over his wife and mother inlaw? Why are these people powerless to avoid his influence? why are these people so weak in the head so as not to see him for what he is?


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