Sunday, September 03, 2006

More threats against free speach

Ag3 appears to have rolled up his carpet and closed shop due to some threats from some very weak individuals.

I know how tough it is to stand against threats and will not cave in to them. It seems to have been too much for him but I hope that he takes a deep breath and jumps back in.

Ag3, speaking out using the truth will work. Look what happened to the prosecutors race. The Wymer case was their "Willie Horton". By speaking out on their weak handling of this case, possibly intentional, it led to their never being in the position to do this again to our county. And look, Wymer and his wife will at least be slowed a bit from poisening our youth for awhile and the next time our sherrif department catches them they will go away for quite a long time.I know Dar and he will catch them. I know Tom and he will deliver them. I know Judge Fisher and he will finish this. This is what one could say is 1 - 2 - 3 you are done drug dealer. You will no longer kill our youth. You will no longer destroy our county.

The only reason these threats are being leveled, is that you are hitting a nerve. I mean why would they even waste thier energy (dope heads and fools are notoriously lazy) to make threats unless you were hitting paydirt? They are feeling insecure to say the least, lol.

Publish their threats Ag3. Maybe we can uncover these impotent idiots. If they felt tough enough to make these threats, lets see if they are tough enough to own up to it. Call their bluff. Their cowardice will show all just how weak they trully are . And by showing just what these idiots are doing, it will help your cause.

Keep slugging it out. Don't throw in the towel yet. Take a deep breath. Push on.


Blogger Jay said...

I too am disappointed Ag3 has given up the fight. I too think he should publish these threats and confront the extortionists.

Some have tried to guess at my identity and have come up short. So far their guessing has been amusing, they are no closer to guessing my identity.

The courthouse gang is getting upset that they are being questioned, and that these questions are eventually broadcast in the Banner.

If they cannot take the critiques, then they should get out of the job.

10:16 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

I am disapointed for sure, but I cannot fault him. I too have felt at times that the cost was too great to stand against people such as these but I always seemed to get a second wind just when I most needed it.

I have had many of the Wymer group threaten me face to face. they always seem to be a good distance away so that I cannot do much and even with a police witness, nothing has ever been done. It seems the police don't give them much thought either. The point I am trying to make, lol, is that people like these run their mouths but not much more. they are impotent (thats means flacid and worthless to those that do not understand)(I once told Timothy he was a pedophile when he abused a child but he did not understand). Verbal intimidation is all the cowards can do. seems the crowd Ag3 is standing against has much in common with the drug crowd in this county. this might be why Timmy was handed such a light sentance for his crimes. Birds of a feather you know...

The only reason the courthouse gang is becoming nervous is that Ag3 is/was hitting them where it hurts. If Ag3 was wrong, they would have just let it run off their backs but because he was right...

6:09 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

JNP got her old job back. The Allegan County prosecutor intially indicated that he didn't want her back, then changed his mind. I guess that holds to the ol' saying...incompetent prosecutors never die, they just change counties.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

I don't know what to think right now. In the first letter to the editor it was ended with the comment that the prosecutor "should find work in another county".

maybe I should make comments about the stock market. I could at least make some money.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Boggsone said...

Thank you for the support ! Trust me, PLEASE, threats had nothing to do with my dropping out of the blog business. The primary was over, 911 needs to wait until after January 1st, and I was spending way way too much time blogging and having no life.

I did state on the Pol's blog that they know where I live, where I work, what I drive, where I go and what I do. If they want to take me on, HERE I AM!

I survived all 3 threats from the former persecutor. His position offered up more prestige and power than the ones shooting blanks now.

Thanks again, I will be back after January 1st, but have been blogging more and more again!!!!!!

2:55 PM  

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