Friday, October 06, 2006

Flotsam Cast Out

Here is the latest.

Tom Evans has already jetisoned some flotsam from the prosecutors office. I guess on his second day in office, as per the Banner, he has fired an assistant prosecutor for her being unable (or more likely unwilling) to communicate with him. As reported in the Banner the firing was "without cause" but then goes on to report the cause. Great reporting Banner! I am guessing the woman will return fire at tom with a lawsuit as it is very apparent the fired party was a loyal supporter of JNP. This will be their sour grapes chance to rock the boat for Tom. It won't help their reputation any but at this point they can't understand that. they are too busy pouting.

I see Tom's office is taking a hard line with Harry Doele over his theft of narcotics. I understand this and know it is necessary as what he admittedly did is so very wrong (for more reasons than is reported) but because Harry was such a personable guy it is hard to go along with. Good luck to you Harry. We are in your corner for a full recovery and return to our county. Now I wonder if the Pennock Board is going to clean out the remainder of the trouble at Pennock or are they going to leave the rats nest alone and let it return to "business as usual".


Blogger Jay said...

She's been yelling from the courthouse steps since August 8th that she would have a showdown with Tom regarding her employment with the Prosecutor's office. She said she would force him to fire her. I hope the commissioners recognize these tactics and send her away without a dime.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

I hope someone recorded those remarks by her in some way so as to protect the county from any frivolus lawsuits.
I also hope she follows her "idol" to Allegan.

By the way, was this assistant prosecutor the one that handled the Wymer drug case?

11:11 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

She handled a good chunk of the Wymer drug case.

She cannot go to Allegan, they have a hiring freeze now that JNP is in there. No new staff until at least 2008.

She'll probably get the McNeil parachute...60 days pay and a cloud of dust.

2:28 PM  

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