Thursday, January 04, 2007

Pennock is still up to it's eyebrows in trouble

It appears Pennock Hospital is still operating as it always has. Slightly different players (with a few old line operators) but same game. As per a writer in today’s Banner, the head of environmental services, Mike Strimback, is still steering sweet deals to his family like the hospital is his rich uncle. It seems mike has eliminated a position involved with maintenance in the Pennock Village plus the overtime incurred maintaining the snow removal of the hospital and replaced it with contracted operators. This might be OK if it saved money (but I would bet it doesn't) but it should have been advertised instead of being handed out to his own family.

Yes, that’s right, his own family. You see, Mike’s second child is managing the company that was given the contract. In fact, as per an inside source, Mikes youngest son also works for this company.

Pennock has tried to contract maintenances services out in the past with no success. This was attempted by past management employees who are no longer in the employment of the hospital. It ended up costing the hospital much more money than if they had maintained their own maintenance department.

This family employment racket in the hospital's maintenance department is nothing new. Mike has had his 2 youngest boys working the department on many occasions; EVEN WHEN THERE WAS NO WORK AVAILABLE! The regular employees were ordered to "hide" the youngest even. Mike's wife was even employed in the same department for several years as HIS secretary. When a regular employee notified higher ups, he was let go. Those “higher ups” were let go themselves later, lol. My bet is that this current writer made the same mistake and tried to alert higher management of improper management practices occurring in his department.

I would think Pennock would have to march a much more “straight” path due to their recent troubles. This “family” employment in their maintenance department goes against any good management practices that I have ever known. It not only destroys moral in the department but it drops employee efficiency drastically as work that would normally be done by regular employees properly employed and trained for the job now is performed by untrained, unmotivated, and demoralized workers.

Pennock Hospital would have been much better off keeping Harry Doele and letting go untrained and uneducated maintenance employees. In fact, I wonder just what Management education or experience Mike himself might have. Doesn’t appear to be much if anything.

Wow, Pennock just can’t seem to get it right yet. Time to clean house some more.


Blogger Jay said...

Sometimes I think trained seals would do a better job of running things...

wait a minute, they are trained seals. Pretty soon the folks of Hastings will have to suture themselves at home if this continues. ;)

1:07 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

In attempting to find this blog site this morning I have encountered big problems. It seems somehow most of the site may have been removed. Must be I hit a nerve with Pennock. I will attempt to reverse any thing done to suppress free speach here. Hopefully it is just a snafu in the blog URL

6:04 AM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

No conspiricy here. Just seems somehow the URL had been changed. Hopefully it is not the actual blog URL but just what was saved on my pc.

Pennock has some very talented people working there but they are not the ones in charge. Politics are valued more highly there than actual ability. What this does is make Pennock a prime canidate for another hospital to move in and either buy them up or push them out. I do know the Grand Rapids area physicians refuse to accept any medical data from Pennock largely due to the poor management of the hospital. I have been personally informed of just that and been forced to repeat much testing.
I do think the hospital was on the right track prior to them discharging Harry in that they were sweeping out some of the old gaurd that was largely responsible for the politics games being played. It is just that they failed to sweep enough, lol. If one just pushes back and looks at those that have been "retired" or that "resigned" in the sweeping that took place you can see they were not qualified for the positions they held as they cannot attain anything even close in thier new employement. If one investigates even further, what is found is quite enlightening, lol. those either fired, harrassed into leaving, or saw the writing on the wall and left Pennock on thier own have for the most part (as far as I can find out) went on to better jobs with better pay, more responsibility, and much better benefits.
I laugh at my memory of being told that Pennocks health insurance was "comparable" with the best in the industry. I replied it was the worst I had encountered and was answered in blank stares. the person talking up the insurance there has since been let go.

6:30 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

Boy you've stirred a hornet's nest on WMIP. Keep up the good work. And keep treating those Fennvillians too...they need help.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

yea, I did didn't I?

Thats OK though. Sometimes those boys get too full of themselves and need to hear something that brings them back to earth. Life is harsh at times and I do think they live a somewhat insulated existence here in Barry County so they might need an "attitude adjustment" from time to time.

And it is not just them either. I am amazed at how many people around here seem oblivious to the train coming down the tracks - on many subjects.

Oh well, I guess I will just keep "kicking the bees nest" as my dad would say.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

do you know who this el grillo is?

He seems to know how to push your buttons and vice versa.

1:02 AM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

I do not know who it is exactly but I am pretty sure he does not live where he claims to. And I am not sure I am actually "pushing his buttons”, lol. He might look at this as entertainment much as I do. As per some of the things he says and claims, I am betting he is only in this for the fight. Maintaining an "off the wall" position, he will ensure a good battle and this may be his actual goal. I am betting he has much too much time on his hands and likes the tangle.

pol just waded into the fray but did not go far enough. I am wondering what his response will be, lol.

I am betting several of the posters on WMP have morning coffee someplace and discuss things. Several of them smack of small town thoughts/ideas that I have seen in other small towns around the country. What is funny is that if one could pick up these people and a like group from one of several small towns in West Virginia and swap them, I highly doubt anyone inside the group or out would even notice lol.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

It seems I "bruised" el Grillo. He is still licking his wounds in the next blog line. I do regret bruising him like that but it might make him more constructive I hope.

I will attempt to avoid this kind of exchange in the future as it does not promote good exchange of knowledge.

But it sure was fun, lol.

7:08 PM  

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