Sunday, October 15, 2006

Common Sense on the Rise

It seems common sense is on the rise.

This county has done the "unthinkable". It elected someone with common sense. Dar Leaf has now signed his political death warrant by exposing himself as a rational person. What could he have been thinking? He had to have been aware of the repercussions of his actions. I wonder if he just got tired of keeping his head down for so long.

Seems Dar is now at the end of his rope with the powers that be concerning contract negotiations for his troops. Who could blame him? I would not have been able to last as long as he has. It appears the county has hired an attorney supposedly skilled in negotiating labor contracts to negotiate one with the deputies in the Sheriff Department. To bad this guy only has experience negotiating with the Teamsters. His heavy handed negotiating tactics will only further erode the already low moral currently being experienced in the department and remove another reason for these good people to work hard keeping us safe.

Why on earth would anyone want to work a job like that anyways? They are verbally abused by criminals, forced to work weekends and holidays, work the night shift forever, have their already low pay be cut by reductions in hours, work short staffed, handle the human grief that we would rather not, be told by a past prosecutor that their work is for nothing, and many other painful truths that would keep a sane person from doing what they do.

So why do they keep working for us? I have known a few of them over the years and have found a few common traits among them. First I have found they carry a very deep desire to work hard and to help people. They will all hurry to the scene of an accident in the hope of saving someone severely injured or to ensure no further grief comes to the parties involved. How many of us would hurry to the scene of a domestic dispute? I know I would not. I do know that many a deputy has intervened to help an abused person escape the situation and then help them to stay safe if the abuser is unwilling to cease their actions. And how many of us would want to spend every waking moment to search for a drowning victim? Our Sheriff Department spent over a week plying the murky waters of Thornapple Lake this past summer to bring back a father and child to a grieving mother/wife while many in our community just stood idly by and spread stories of infidelity on the father’s part or claimed he kidnapped his son and left his marriage. A second common trait I have observed is a strong desire in deputies to “fix” the wrongs in life people have experienced at the hands of others. I have been thankful for this in the past when one of my children were kidnapped by an ex spouse. The deputies involved entered a known drug house and were assaulted but were finally successful in gaining the release of my daughter from her kidnappers.

I would suggest here that this very desire to help others is what Dar is currently demonstrating. Like he claims, he has been on both sides of this situation and finds the actions of the “hired gun” the county retained to be the major problem with obtaining a successful contract for all. Do we want to kill another reason our deputies have for working such a crummy job? What is the problem that our current county board has to just push this off? And why is there such an adversarial relationship between our county board and the deputies?

Let’s look into this more and fix this before it develops into something that will scar our county forever. Listen to Dar. Support the Sheriff Department now before you need their help and you wish you had.


Blogger Jay said...

I think Dar will get a more sympathetic ear with the incoming board and not this throng of lame ducks. I have heard that some of the obstructionists on the board are doing what they are doing because they felt that the sheriff had a hand in getting them defeated.

9:07 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Vent away on this site. I will not edit or delete unless someone decides to somehow inhibit another. I have witnessed posters to either make personal attacks or simply attempt to stifle another poster by flooding the site with worthless boring gibberish that is anything but relavent. Here, Any subject is open for exchange.

I am a strong supporter of Dar. he is a caring and thoughtful man. 10 years ago my childrens mother walked out after depleting the family finances and took all of our material things with her but left the kids. Dar found out and stopped by every so often to check up on us. We managed to pull out of that mess but I will never forget his actions. I never needed any help but just his caring behavior made a world of difference. there were entire weeks he was the only adult I would have any contact with.

Thank you Dar Leaf.

I agree with your position on deputies (or lack of) on the road durring the day. This is fool hardy to say the least. Our biggest drug bust in the county last year (wymer case) was undertaken by the deputies with 1 trouper included. I am astounded the county does not see this and put more deputies on the payroll. How in the world can we cut crime if the criminals are allowed to run free in the daytime? We now have a strong prosecutor but the County board is inhibiting the ability of the Sherrif Department to bring them in.

Keep swinging at the current players. Work your way into the system and fix this. I am not sure why you want to expend this kind of effort in such an unthankful job but since you do, lol, we will help you as long as you at least try to make a difference.

I am sorry but I will be unable to attend that Oct. 24 meeting. Please post somewhere your take on it so I can read it.

Jay, I too have heard this rumer. I hope it is not true but it certainly fits the players involved. I do not think Dar would take a public position on any of their re election bids but it is human nature to blame others for ones own faults.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

I regret what my county has/is doing to you and your family. it is not one of our finer moments. What I can do is let you know that I to have undergone this same persecution. Look at my last letter to the editor in the Banner. Mr Young allowed 2 rebuttels to my letter and niether were accurate. One was downright fraudulent and slanderous. I contacted an attorney about a lawsuit but after investigating, decided that a positive aproach to the matter would be more effective. It was (Tom was elected) and no more has been heard from the slanderous writer and the other (assistant prosecutor) has just been fired. Funny how life extracts reveng isn't it?

My point being that if you and your family continue your present course (staying "clean" and shouldering responsibility for past mistakes) you will get much farther than if you turn tail and run. In fact it will build respect among the masses and cause the trouble makers currently giving you grief to go away. It will happen. stay the course.

I too have concidered a new paper for this county. I would support it in any way I could. I was somewhat disappointed in Mr. Youngs refusal to let me answer the slanderous letter against me even though I could produce docummentation of my claims and the other side could not. I am sure he was threatened by the other party though so I hold no ill will for him. He just did not possess the required strength his position requires.

I do believe another paper is financially feasible. Let me know how I can help.

I have met tom Pennock. I wonder just why he had any file concerning calls about you? I trully don't believe he would be in any way responsible for causing you any harm. And why did he hand the file to Mark? Freedom of information request? there are too many questions on this one not answered.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Sorry I have been absent. Things got busy here.

Anyways, I hope Mike keeps hammering on the issues. It appears he has the drive but is getting sidetracked by life. Keep your nose clean Mike. It will pay off.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

I hate to come out "biased" on the Harry Doele thing but he is a rather special case.

Harry is different than the run of the mill law breaker. He has already contributed to the well being of our county by his taking over Pennock and cleaning up some (and I did say some) of the deadwood there. Now I don't want to come off sounding like I have an ax to grind concerning Dan Hamilton as Dan did improve the Pennock facility greatly over what it had been. Although he did do it with plenty of borrowed money, it will pay for itself eventually and the hospital now is a much better health care source than it once was. What I do know from working there durring the reign of Hamilton was that his management style was not as "healthy" as it could have been. He seemed to not only encourage the "good ole boy" network but he also seemed to want to micro manage every department. While he was in charge, people were hired and retained that where obviously not capable of performing the jobs for which they were hired for originally. What these employees did have was a family connection or drinking connection to an already entrenched employee. This killed moral in the good employees there.

Harry changed things there dramatically. Things relaxed and the deadwood were sent away (well, most of them. there are still a few). Harry organized and participated in advertizing the facility and encouraging healthy life styles in the area. Did anyone ever see Dan running a triatholon? How about participating in a parade? I never did but did see Harry plenty of times.

Harry trully believs in healthy living and lived it until cauight up in the pain of a common accident. He did not steal those meds and sell or hand them out to our local youth like the Wymers did (the Wymers were given probation for growing and selling drugs to our youth). Harry stole them for his own use. He was caught up in "self medicating" If we incarcerated or otherwised destroyed every self medicator in the county we would have half of the county behind bars. We would have a "dry" (alcohol free) county and many common items would no longer be tolerated (coffee, asprin, pop, etc...).

I trully believe if we help Harry through this and keep his talent in our county, all we expend in accomplishing this will return tenfold. Lets not be so shortsighted like the Pennock board was, and for our county's sake, see this through.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

KC, it's good to hear from you.

I ask that you convey a message to Julie and encourage her to not give up on this county. Pretty much the only reason she failed in her election bid was that she is just not ready for the position she was seeking. I spoke to her personally and found her warm and kind but she was not strong enough to handle the responsibilities she was handed. There were many more things in her life that could have surfaced (Mike Lewis Style - non criminal but very painful personal revelations) but were not dragged in.

julie needs to "clean house" and run again in the future. her ongoing mess in her life will prohibit any return and this county will suffer for it. Urge her to remedy this and come back. We will all profit from it.

6:27 AM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Look at it this way, if she is batteling a messy private life, how could she do a good job of representing this county? our private lives do impact our abilities. And since you brought up the extramarital affair subject, I want to point out it is not just one or two affairs in question. it appears to be a series of affairs occuring within her marriage. And more than one was particularly messy.This is not something this county needs or wants occurring within our prosecutors office.

When I spoke to her I observed something very important and that was her kindness and warmth. These are both particularly important qualities I believe a prosecutor should possess. She just did not have the maturity to stand up to hardened habitual criminals coming before her. It was very evident when the Wymer case came up on her watch. She must have been preoccupied with something else as I am sure she would not have normally let something this extreme go unchecked like she did. I have had experience facing Bruce Lincoln (Wymer's attorney) and I speculate he was his usual bullying self and steamrolled Julie into the genorous deal Wymer and his wife eventually recieved. Now our county will pay the price for it.

What I wish she would concider is the eventual return to public office in this county. If she cleaned up her life she would be a tremendous asset to our county and greatly improve the lives of all that reside here. And if she remains in Allegan County, her sordid marital strife will follow her there. Why should she turn tail and run? We could use her talent here in this county.

And one more thing, marriage vows are NOT just made to the other spouse. they are made to god, The church body, the extended family, and to all who might have contact with the marriage partners. If one cannot keep or is incapable to keep such important vows/promises/garrantees/etc.. to the most important people and institutions in their lives, what makes anyone thing they could keep the oath of office?

Don't let her slam the door on a return. it would not be in anyones best interest if she did.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Boggsone said...

Just caught the existance of this blog.

Please trust me, Threats had nothing to do with me dropping my blog. In fact, almost ready to start it up again to counter the thought that these bozos got to me LOL. I took a vacation, after the primary. The 911 issue was fading and will come alive again after January 1st. I will be there! I was blogging way too much, as the Pol Watcher probably could verify with his stat counter. I needed to get back to having a life!

I was getting into politics, while 911 and good public safety were my only real issues and expertise. I don't study politics to the depth of some of the others on here. We all do have some political thoughts though.

I did state, and would like to do so on here again: They know where I work, where I live, what I drive, etc., COME FOR ME, I DON'T INTEND TO HIDE, YOU ARE COWARDS IN WORDS ONLY! OTHERWISE, I'M HERE WAITING!

3:07 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

GO AGITATOR3 - Somehow I knew you would return to the battle.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead! - Henry V, III, i

I too do not know much about politics here in this county but some that post here do. I depend on these individuals to lead me in the right direction to get to the front lines. I have also found that some purposely post here to misdirect.
In "Pol's" site individuals have purposely told mistruths (lies) and used long winded history lessons (twisted history in fact. Twisted to fit their ideas) to mislead or in an attempt to bury the target of their anger. I am absolutely ecstatic that you have kept the faith and chosen to re enter the battle.

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility.
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger:
Stiffen the sinews, conjure up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage. - Henry V, III, i

6:24 AM  
Blogger Jay said...


In some ways I do agree with you that if Julie came back (with a much more humbler personna) and has more distance from the shenanigans of '04, she'd have a reasonable chance of winning. It was her questionable associations, not really her affair that doomed her candidacy. I also credit Tom's relentless door-to-door efforts. I didn't see that same tenacity and hunger in Julie's efforts.

I do see Tom possibly getting the District Judge appointment when that opens up.

If I was advising JNP, I'd tell her to keep her community associations current and be wary of any appointment made by Judge Fisher.

3:14 PM  
Blogger Children's Dad said...

Wise advise Jay.

I was more referring to her husbands affairs (multiple). At least one was recorded and documented well including her involvement. I was informed of hers but choose to not drag it in durring the elections. I did not want to muddy the waters any more than they were becoming (due to the Nakfor-pratt side).

Julie should not have any trouble cleaning house and maturing up some before running again. I agree with your position concerning her Questionable associations and she should work on this some.

Lets hope she is up to another run in the future.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Speaking of cleaning house, Wade Trombley cannot seem to come clean on his campaign finance reports. He supposedly had all this postage, but had no receipts for printing. Even if he did it in house, he has to account for the full market value of what he produced. He claims that ink paper and cutting cost him $15 total for all he did... give me a break.

7:15 PM  

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