Saturday, September 23, 2006

Trouble at Pennock

Seems there is some extreme trouble brewing at Pennock Hospital.As per the Banner this week, Harry Doele has been charged with theft and fraud. Now remember, he is innocent until proven guilty but it appears he was illegally taking meds from the pharmacy and taking them. His attorney has relayed as to Harry taking them but legally.

I have worked at Pennock several years ago and got to know Harry then. I currently am studying at Western in their medical program and am assigned to work with substance abusers. Harry is a good man that appears to have become addicted to pain killers. This is more common than anyone realizes. I am not concerned with this as Harry is strong enough to overcome this addiction. I have total faith in him in doing this. I just hope that the community dooes not "label" him as weak and shuns him in the future. He is capable of greatly adding to the quality of life here in Barry county.

I do want to point out another disturbing behavior that has been going on for many years at Pennock though. the administration there uses the hospital like they own it themselves. I have personally witnessed them taking vehicles and property and never returning it. The upper administration takes the hospital trucks for personal use, burning hospital fuel for this use, taking hospital supplies, materials, and tools without reimbursing the hospital in any way. They have ordered the maintenence department to repair their personal things on hospital time. On more than one accasion, they have steered "sweetheart deals" to friends of theirs. One of these deals I persoanlly know of netted one of these "friends" over $100,000 only to have the poor work replaced several years later costing much more.

Many of the old administrators have been pushed out and the problem has been reduced but it still goes on. Department heads are in place only due to being friends with upper management and not for any experience or education. This "good ole boy" behavior enabled Harry to do what he did without feeling he was doing anything wrong. Of course we on the outside of that enviornmment do know it was wrong to take anything from an employer like that but it is so Pervasive there at Pennock, I am sure he lost sight of it.

I guess the point I am trying to make here is that Harry was only doing the same thing as many other administrators currently do. He should not be punished for this unless all others are too. Help Harry to get over this and return him to his position. He may need to be supervised for some time but he is good at what he was doing. The hospital is doing better under his administration than it had under a previous CEO.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Justice in Barry County

As was written in this discussion site, Julie N-Pratt has announced her employement in Allegan County back to her old job of being an assistant prosecutor. As was suggested, the prosecutor reponsible for the lame deal given to the Wymer's is now going to prosecute cases in another county. I hope she finds enjoyment in her new work.

Now I don't feel any ill will for Ms. Pratt. I have discussed the Wymer case with her as well as a few other subjects and have found her to be a warm, caring, and very able legal mind. The only reason I stood against her was my belief that she lacked an essential ingredient needed to safely perform the duties of her office. I am hoping she developes the nessessary strength of charactor and will needed to stand firm against those cases coming before her that threaten my county's safety and the future of my children.

Ms. Pratt, work hard, listen to those you represent, learn not to be intimidated by the evil within those that bring grief to our county and I will work to bring you back to the prosecuting position you have now left. I know you care and can feel the warmth of your personality. Keep this quality within as it will be valuable to you in the future but learn to temper it with the strength of what is right and wrong. Never fail to give those deserving of it a second chance but for god's sake don't give an inch to those that have blatently threatened the future of our children or the safety of our county. Work hard. Build your inner strength. We will be here for you. I am looking forward to your return.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

More threats against free speach

Ag3 appears to have rolled up his carpet and closed shop due to some threats from some very weak individuals.

I know how tough it is to stand against threats and will not cave in to them. It seems to have been too much for him but I hope that he takes a deep breath and jumps back in.

Ag3, speaking out using the truth will work. Look what happened to the prosecutors race. The Wymer case was their "Willie Horton". By speaking out on their weak handling of this case, possibly intentional, it led to their never being in the position to do this again to our county. And look, Wymer and his wife will at least be slowed a bit from poisening our youth for awhile and the next time our sherrif department catches them they will go away for quite a long time.I know Dar and he will catch them. I know Tom and he will deliver them. I know Judge Fisher and he will finish this. This is what one could say is 1 - 2 - 3 you are done drug dealer. You will no longer kill our youth. You will no longer destroy our county.

The only reason these threats are being leveled, is that you are hitting a nerve. I mean why would they even waste thier energy (dope heads and fools are notoriously lazy) to make threats unless you were hitting paydirt? They are feeling insecure to say the least, lol.

Publish their threats Ag3. Maybe we can uncover these impotent idiots. If they felt tough enough to make these threats, lets see if they are tough enough to own up to it. Call their bluff. Their cowardice will show all just how weak they trully are . And by showing just what these idiots are doing, it will help your cause.

Keep slugging it out. Don't throw in the towel yet. Take a deep breath. Push on.